
LogiMaster. A choice for your career. A value for companies.

LogiMaster Plus is a University Master in Logistics & Supply Chain Management. It is an annual course. The Next Edition will start in January.

The course has two phases:

  • 6 months of applied methodological training on logistics. The theoretical side of the course (from January till June) includes 120 modules each lasting 4 hours and being divided into five groups of activity. The modules will normally take place every Friday and Saturday (from 9am till 1pm and 2pm till 6pm) and for one week, almost every month, from Monday till Friday. The lecturers will be Italian and foreigner professors, managers and experts. The location of the training will normally be the Centro Direzionale di Quadrante Europa, via Sommacampagna n.59, Verona. The highway exit is Verona Nord.
  • 4 months of experience in an enterprise, during which the aim is the development of an operative project. The location of the internship will be the one indicated by the administration of the Masters and defined in collaboration with partner enterprises.

In order to apply, it is necessary to be a graduate (or hold an equivalent qualification) and to have a reasonable command of English and Italian. Since there are only 30 spaces available, candidates who apply will undergo a selection procedure. The cost for each student includes the registration fee of Euro 3900. Attendance is compulsory. There will be various evaluations during the course and a final examination. At the end of the course, students will be awarded the title of "Master in Logistica & Supply Chain Management", which has a value of 60 credits (ECTS) under the current laws.

For more information please write to segreteria@logimaster.it